Sunday, 3 April 2016

March Madness

It's been an eventful couple of weeks for our boy Tommy. We took him to the zoo for the first time, he made friends with Bentley the dog, took him swimming for the first time, visited one of his great nans and learnt how to turn over from his back to his front. And to top it all off he turned 4 months this week. Where has the time gone!! I live all that he's learning, but don't want him to grow up too fast.

Trip to Colchester zoo. It was a beautiful warm day, perfect for a visit to the zoo.

Tommy's favourite part of the zoo, anything in water.

Our little cool dude ready for church.

Fist experience in a bumbo. He liked it for a short time until he realised he was meant to sit still, then nearly did a back flip out of it.

Making friends with Bentley Dog. Bentley was very protective of Tommy, but also got jealous when Tommy was getting the attention.

Tommy's first experience of swimming.There were a few tears, but all in all he did pretty well.

Tommy's luck enough to have 3 great grand parents alive and we got to visit one of them while we were south
Visiting Keith's nan

Tommy practising to turn over

Turning 4 months old

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